Terms and Travel Conditions

Terms and travel conditions with Dreamcatcher Adventure

Here you can find more information about booking, payment, and cancellation rules.  Please read our travel conditions before you book a trip with us. They are a part of the agreement when you as a guest sign up for a trip with Dreamcatcher Adventure


Dreamcatcher Adventure arranges trips at sea, special trips such as ski and sail adventures, biking, hiking and exploring. 

Our trips are based on nature experiences and activities that place special demands on both of us as organizers and our participants. We set up itineraries where we use local subcontractors and use means of transport whose operation and regularity are at times affected by sudden and unpredictable changes. At sea, safety is always in focus, and we will without warning be able to change planned sailings and find alternatives to keep guests and crew safe.

Our destinations will also be more exposed to changing natural conditions than other destinations. All this requires flexibility in our travel programs. However, these conditions mean that our descriptions of itineraries, tour content and time indications as they appear in our material must be changed from time to time at short notice. Where we have the opportunity, such changes will be announced before the agreement is entered. Where the need for changes arises after booking, either before or after departure, we will as far as possibly ensure that content / activities / destinations / transport is as close to the original as possible, and within the same price range.

Our special production conditions have led to us having to have our own provisions on the size of the deposit, payment dates, fees, and cancellations for consideration in relation to the normal rules in the General Terms and Conditions for Package Travel, see below. The points below together with the information in the detailed program constitute our terms and conditions.

As a tour operator, we do everything in our power to solve any problems that may arise. In extreme cases, one destination may eventually be replaced by another. Where external circumstances (“force majeure”) make it impossible to carry out the travel arrangement, it does not entail any reduction in the price of the trip. If the trip is canceled due to bad weather or other circumstances such as war, terror or pandemic, a new trip will be offered on a later occasion or 25% bank refund. All participants must have their own travel insurance!

Be aware that our travels involve dangers and accidents. You as a customer must agree that participation is done at your own risk. This element is far more prominent on our travels than on most other package tours. Our tour guides are experienced for our destinations and their instructions must be followed. If accidents or dis Comfort occur, no applicable liability can be made to the tour guide or to us.

Our journeys often take place in a weather-exposed area, and the journeys can be based on logistics that are vulnerable to bad weather, technical problems or simply accidents. This may, for example, mean that you do not have time for a planned return journey. In that case, we will help you change the time of return on the flight ticket, but we cannot guarantee that new tickets will be issued at no cost to you as a participant. The safety of the participants on the tours will always be in focus for our tour guides and for us. If unexpected situations arise due to weather conditions, temperatures, illness etc. and this after the tour guide’s assessment of safety for all participants makes it necessary to make changes to the trip after it has started, you are obliged to follow the changed plan.

In that case, you must cover additional costs because of new tickets, transport costs, board and lodging etc. Dreamcatcher Adventure sometimes acts as an agent / intermediary for various suppliers and partners, and it is in these cases that they are the contract partner. We thus have no responsibility for contractual delivery of the mediated services.


    • 2.1
      Cancellation protection must be taken out at the same time as the trip is booked. If such protection is not taken out, our usual cancellation policy §5 applies. Any cancellation must be made in writing immediately after it became clear that the trip cannot be completed. You are responsible for contacting your insurance company.
    • 2.2
      You are obliged to have taken out a fully sick and accident insurance that will also cover any repatriation. On our ski and sailing trips, one must have insurance that covers summit trips on skis.
    • 2.3
      You are responsible for checking that the travel documents received match your booking.
    • 2.4
      Some of our trips are physically and technically demanding. You are therefore obliged to be in good physical and mental shape and well technically prepared on departure. Contact Dreamcatcher Adventure for requirements for physical fitness and technical competence for your trip.
    • 2.5
      You are responsible for keeping the organizer informed of any change of address so that information and travel documents arrive on time
    • 2.6
      You are obliged to stay informed about departures and comply with instructions such as organizer, carrier, airport etc. gives on that occasion.
    • 2.7
      You must follow the instructions, directions, and instructions that the tour guides give on the trip.
    • 2.8
      During the trip, you are obliged to comply with the rules and regulations given by the authorities, the organizer, or the organizer’s representatives, including the rules of order that may have been given by the individual hotel, carrier or the like.
    • 2.9
      You must not act in such a way that it is a nuisance to your fellow travelers. If you grossly disregard your responsibilities and duties, you may be denied participation or excluded from the rest of the trip, without being able to claim a refund from the organizer. In the event of exclusion after the journey has begun, you may be ordered to bear the costs of the journey home yourself. You can be held liable for damages if you intentionally or negligently inflict losses on the organizer, e.g., by not complying with the provisions mentioned above.
    • 2.10                                                                                                                                                                                        Dreamcatcher Adventure assumes no responsibility for loss or inconvenience caused by the traveler’s own negligence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    • 3. BOOKING / DEPOSIT / PAYMENT / CHANGE                                                                                                                                   
    • 3.1                                                                                                                                                                                          Registration / booking of trips with Dreamcatcher Adventure must be done written or electronically, and is binding. The Right of Withdrawal Act’s right of withdrawal does not apply to reservation services.
    •  3.2
      The full amount must be paid within 10 days after confirmed booking. The registrations is binding from the time when the participant has received a confirmation and paid 100% of the total price. 

    •  3.4
      Changes to the booking are possible for the trip within the same season, provided that the change can be implemented and must be written agreement                                                                                                                                                                 

          4. DREAMCATCHER ADVENTURE`S RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                                     

  • 4.1
    Dreamcatcher Adventure undertakes to carry out an agreed program with itinerary and content according to the issued travel description. However, reservations are made about matters beyond our control, including bad weather, war, terror or pandemics.
  • 4.2                                                                                                                                                                                                              For our sailing trips, a minimum of participants is required for the trip to be completed. The minimum number of participants appears in the tour description on our website. If we do not reach a minimum number, we can still often complete the trip at a surcharge. If we must cancel the trip, the traveler will be notified of this no later than 30 days before departure. The entire amount paid will be refunded.

 5. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY                                                                                  

  • 5.1
    Any cancellation must be made in writing or electronically. Cancellation date is considered the date the cancellation is received by Dreamcatcher Adventure. If a cancellation deadline falls on a public holiday or public holiday, any cancellation must have been received on the nearest normal working day before this.
  • 5.2                                                                                                                                                                                                    On our Ski and Sail adventures, we must book harbor, ski guide and tables at restaurants well in advance. We must therefore have strict cancellation conditions

    * Cancellation more than 120 days before the trip starts you will get 100% refund
    * Cancellation between 119 – 30 days before the trip starts you will get 50% refund
    * Cancellation less than 29 days before the trip starts you will not get any refund and your payment is lost.

    Cancellation of a trip must be submitted in writing: dreamcatcher.adventure@epost.no                                                                                   

  • 5.3
    In case of no-show on the day of departure, no refund will be given, regardless of the reason, and any claims must be directed to their own insurance company.
  • 5.4
    If the trip cannot be completed due to external circumstances such as bad weather, terror, war or pandemic (force majeure), the entire value of the trip and the amount paid will be lost                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6 COMPLAINTS AND DISPUTES
  • 6.1
    If there is anything you`re not satisfied with or was not according to your expectations related to the information given, or you believe that there is an error / defect in the trip, you need to adress this immediately to us when you are aboard, or raise this with the tour guide immediately. If the error / defect is not corrected and you want to complain about the trip when you return home, a written, substantiated complaint must be sent to Dreamcatcher Adventure no later than one month after the trip has ended.
  • 6.2
    If there is disagreement about the understanding of the above travel conditions, this can be brought before a dispute resolution body. Each lawsuit shall be regulated in accordance with Norwegian law.
  • 6.3
    We reserve the right to make printing errors in the detailed program and price list, as well as on our website.

7 COPYRIGHT AND USE OF PHOTOS ON OUR TRIPS                                                                                                                       
On most of our trips, we will take some pictures and publish these on social media. In some posts your name/username can be use. Dreamcatcher Adventure also actively uses tour images in its marketing communication. If you do not wish to be included in such photos, we need to be given this information at arrival on the boat an the tour guide must be notified no later than departure.